Saturday, October 4, 2014

Halloween is so close!

Hello everybody! 
It's been a long time since I wrote a post here, anyways, I have a lot to talk about!
First of all, I can't believe it's already October! It's been almost a month and a half since I arrived here, and it feels like the time is going so fast! Yesterday it was October 3rd. For the ones who don't know, October 3rd it's mentioned in Mean girls. And, above all, I am in the High School where this movie was based on! 
Another thing that I've realised is how much money is here in this school. I mean, girls with Louis Vuitton day planners or herve chapelier bags is not normal for me... Plus the senior parking lot is full of BMW's and Jeeps. They say that New Trier is the school for white people. Yes, since I started school, I've only seen one african boy and one african girl, out of 3000 people in the school. I have to say that New Trier is located in one of the most affluent and rich suburbs in the famed North Shore of Chicago.
Another thing! Today I am going to Six Flags with my host sister and some friends! I am so exciiiiiiiiited, I love roller-coasters! 
Going back to school, I am pretty happy with all my classes, although philosophy and literature in english are not easy! 
Cross Country season is going to end soon and I am not happy with it, I love running and it's so much fun! :(

*Halloween is so close!* 

Here I have some quotes about New Trier that you may like:

A place where you won't find too many black people.
George: Hey Paul, do you ever see any black people here at New Trier?
Paul: Nope.

Where more than half of the students smoke pot, sell pot, or grow pot.
Where the grades are high, but the kids are higher.

  On the bus going to a Cross Country meet! 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Girl Up!

Aqui estem. Ja han passat tres setmanes desde que vaig comensar el cole, i el temps m'ha passat volant! Seguim entrenant cada dia després de classe, i els entrenaments segueixen sent igual de durillos. Dissabte vam fer una cursa de 3 milles (5 km) , i estic molt contenta perque vaig acabar als 22 minuts!    Bueno, aquesta entrada no va de córrer, sinó d'un club! Si, he entrat al club de Girl Up amb unes amigues. Bé, segur que us preguntareu que és. Girl Up és un club on estalviem diners, conscienciem i organitzem events per a l'educació  de nenes a països del tercer món. Ara ho estem organitzant tot, i hem d'aconseguir materials per a pancartes per promocionar el club! Crec que aquest club esta genial, estic molt contenta!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Survived the first day of High School!

Okay so today it was my first day of high school, and I can tell it went great! I was so nervous about getting lost and all this stuff (it's so big!) but, lucky me, I didn't, I could find all my classrooms so I am really happy. I asked everybody if they could help me to get to my next class, and they did, but people here is so nice they didn't only tell me where it was,  they also came with me!
When we came in the school I had to go to the second floor to talk with Athena (she's the girl who helps exchange students, makes the schedules, etc) about my schedule and she told me what was my advisory. An advisory is like a room where a group of about 15 girls meet, finish homework and sleep before starting classes, so it's great because you can just relax and talk with your friends before taking any class. Then I had free period, and then I had my first class; International Foods, wich I even didn't choose, but anyways, I am changing this one for Philosphy. Then I  had Modern America in the third floor, so I went downstairs and we started to talk about  us and our life and these things you do in your first day of school. All the people were so nice, and so it was the teacher! I met a girl from Chile who had the same Lunch period as me, so we went to the cafeteria and met some girls. Then we had Outdoor ed, which is like a class where you play sports like kayak, climbing... It was hard to find where that class was, but It looked cool! After this one I had Algebra so I went to the second floor, and I arrived late! Then I had Photography wich looked so cool and the teacher is so nice, and finally I had Good and Evil in Literature, where we spend the time reading American books and talking about them. 

When I finished my classes I went to my advisory again, and it was so nice to talk with those girls about our first day of High School! But the day didn't finish! After having lunch at home, at half past three (it was a weird day), I had Cross Country training for two hours, so I got there and I almost died, we train so hard! We ran and then we did push-ups and abs, oh my god I'll be so fit hahah! Two hours later my host mum picked me up and I had a shower, and at half past six we had a Parents cross country meeting where we talked about the trainings, competitions and that things. 

Now I can say I survived my first day at High School!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Global Exchange Club

Ahir per la tarda, a les quatre, per ser exactes, jo i la Libby vam anar al High Scool en cotxe per reunir-nos amb els altres Exchange Students al Global Exchange Club meeting. Vam arribar i vam anar caminant fins al camp d'American Football, pero no hi havia ningu, aixi que vam decidir entrar a l'escola per veure si estaven per alla, pero no, no estaven. Al final, pero, els vam trobar al cap preparant una barbacue per a l'ocasio. Ens vam presentar tots i la veritat es que tots son molt molt molt simpatics. Va ser molt gracios perque vam coneixer a tres noies que poden parlar castella i una que sap parlar catala, ja que va estar l'any pasat amb una familia d'acollida vivint a Badalona. Em va explicar que Catalunya li va encantar i que trobava a faltar poder parlar en catala amb algu. Es genial poder parlar el meu idioma en un altre pais!  Tots ens vam coneixer i ens ho vam passar molt be, la veritat es que els americans son molt simpatics i oberts. I loved it!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Let's go to New York!

Empecemos. El dia 12 de Agosto era el dia, el gran dia. Y, sorprendentemente, no me puse nerviosa hasta dos horas antes de partir. Habia estado unos dias en Galicia disfrutando de mi familia y la playa. Bueno, buen tiempo no es que hiciera, así que playa playa... No hubo mucha. El dia antes de viajar a madrid estaba muy tranquila, no estaba nada nerviosa y la gente se extrañaba  de mi tranquilidad. Llegó el gran dia! Me despedi de los mios y fui con mi padre hasta Madrid. Horas después de llegar  fuimos al aeropuerto donde me reuni con los otros exchange students. Me despedi de mi padre, y lo raro fue que, mientras todos los demás lloraban desconsoladamente, yo estaba super feliz y me hacia "selfies" con mi padre. La verdad es que me sentia mal por no llorar. Después de las despedidas, fuimos a facturar y todo el rollo ese. Nos toco esperar y esperar y esperar...y mientras esperábamos, nos íbamos conociendo todos y comentando nuestros próximos destinos. Finalmente nos subimos al  avion, y no llegamos a USA hasta 8 horas (creo) después. 
Las siguientes horas las dedicamos a recoger equipajes, hacer todo el papeleo y subirnos al autocar que nos llevaría hasta nuestro hotel, ubicado en el estado vecino, New Jersey.
Los siguientes dias se pudieron escuchar los "wow", los "es como en las pelis", y demás.
Vamos, que New York es alucinante y que si, es como en las pelis, me encanto. Conocimos a otros exchange students de todo el mundo que, como nosotros, iban a embarcarse en una GRAN aventura como nosotros.
Fuimos al empire state, nos llevaron en barco por el rio, fuimos a un restaurante de comida rapida en Times Square... y la noche del ultimo dia nos dieron nuestros respectivos billetes de avion que nos llevaría a nuestro destino. Se respiraban nervios y emocion. Cuando abri mi sobre, me atacaron los nervios de nuevo. Habia de coger un avion de New York hacia Atlanta (uno de los aeropuertos mas grandes del mundo), y de Atlanta habia de coger otro avion hacia Chicago (otro de los aeropuertos mas grandes del mundo). Aun así, y, sorprendentemente, no me perdi! Cuando llegue a Chicago, me reuni con mi host family (bueno, la madre, mi hermana y el perro), que me recibían con una pancarta donde se leia: Bienvenido Carmen!! (seria bienvenida). Después nos subimos en su coche y nos dirigimos a la casa donde viviría los próximos 10 meses!
No os extrañéis si os duelen los ojos por las faltas de ortografia, estoy en un ordenador americano y por lo tanto el teclado es diferente!